Table of Contents
- Parenting manga “Is Dad a Housework Ninja Master?”
- Recommendations for “Ninja Housework” in the early morning and late at night
Parenting manga “Is Dad a Housework Ninja Master?”

After working for a design company in Tokyo, he became a freelance illustrator. He is a hard-working father who creates animation, manga, and illustrations, including winning the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival’s International Short Film Showcase Division Excellence in Animation Award.
Recommendations for “Ninja Housework” in the early morning and late at night
Every day, mothers work hard at their jobs, housework, and childcare.
At night, it is a trickle.
Oh, there are still unfinished chores to be done, but often I can’t beat the accumulated fatigue and sleepiness.
Oh, if only I had finished the chores I had left to do while I was sleeping: ……
We couldn’t be more grateful.
If so! That’s when you come in.
I know you are tired from work and want to relax, but the time when everyone else is sleeping is your chance!
At night, before going to sleep, or just a little earlier,
If you “sneak in” chores that can be done in just a little time, your mom will be happy to see you.
The “housework” of the “stealthy”.
The activities of a “ninja” like father will bring smiles to the family’s faces.
So what kind of “ninja housework” do fathers do?
We snuck into a social gathering of the “Meguro Dad Network,” a.k.a. “Meguro Dads,” a dad community formed by dads active in Meguro Ward, and asked them to tell us what chores they actually do secretly late at night or early in the morning.
Cleaning my wife’s shoes (shoe shine) When she was about to go out, her shoes were shining!
This makes me happy.
VentilationThe air inside the house is also clean!
This should improve the ventilation of the family as well as the house.
Household finances
(ordering supplies, online purchases) Managing the house money is one of the most important household chores! A true invisible backup. It would also be helpful to have bulky toilet paper and heavy bottled drinks ordered online.
When you wake up cleaning up the toys, the living room and other common areas are clean!
I appreciate this.
I don’t even notice that I’ve cleaned
the drains in the bath and bathroom!
This is the ultimate ninja housekeeping.
When I tried to make and drink barley tea, it was not there!
I don’t have this kind of stress.
Bathroom mold removal +
laundry tub cleaning laundry tub! I’m certainly glad this is not done very often.
Put your own clothes away
You are on your own! It’s basic, but start here.
And while you’re at it, I’d be even happier if you’d put the kids’ clothes away too!
You are all quite the ninjas.
But when you look at it this way, there really are a lot of variations.
Specialists propose
“Secret Ninja Chores.”
It seems that there are many ordinary fathers who do a lot of things, but this time, I apprenticed myself to a “first-class ninja” (in short, a specialist in housework) and learned his “secret ninja chores” (in short, his recommended chores)! I asked him to teach me his “secret ninja chores” (in other words, recommended chores)!

While working as the comedy duo Doki Doki Camp, Master Mitsuharu Sato (a.k.a. “Satomitsu”) holds three titles and certifications: Honorary Toilet Diagnostician, Certified Cleaner, and Toilet Clean Meister. He has accompanied cleaning contractors on site and has taken toilet-cleaning courses. What kind of toilet ninja chores does Master Satomitsu recommend?
Ninja chores I would recommend in the bathroom are “behind the toilet seat” and “toilet wall” care.
The “back of the toilet seat” can get all sorts of stains. Urine splashes, water stains, and in some cases, mold can grow on the back of the toilet seat, causing it to emit a foul odor that is not well known to the public. On the other hand, “toilet walls” are often strewn with more urine than expected, and urine soaked into the cloth often releases an ammonia smell.
In both cases, simply spray a soft object with alcohol spray and wipe gently. Ideally, each should have a separate microfiber towel, but disposable toilet cleaning paper or toilet paper can also be used.
In all of these cases, I am not sure if they will even notice when they are clean because in many cases they are not even aware that they are dirty (sweat). However! Ninja housework is not done to be “praised” but to be done “quietly” for everyone’s comfortable life.
These two ninja chores in two places will make your family’s bathroom life better.

Master Kumei, a housework therapist who gives lectures, classes, and workshops on housework and child-rearing throughout Japan as a “professional for daily life” who knows various examples of housework and child-rearing while raising three children, recommends “Ninja Housework”?
Bath is basic. The rest of the time, stock replenishment is most helpful!
I have been married for 25 years, and looking back, my husband was a total “ninja. He often came home late at night, but since we had agreed from the beginning that we would do household chores together, he had a habit of doing them when he got home.
Our family rule was that “the last person to bathe washes the bath,” so it inevitably became the role of my husband, who comes home late. The bath is often far from the bedroom, so the noise is not bothersome. Please wash as much as you can. When you decide to clean the bath the next day, you will find the shampoo and other things neatly arranged, and you will realize, “Oh, you did that for me,” which will not only make you grateful, but also make you kinder to your husband.
The other thing that really helped was replenishing the stock. I am a careless person, so I tended to forget quite a bit, but it was really nice to know that there was always stock. Shampoo, conditioner, toilet paper, tissue paper, various detergents, plastic wrap and stock bags. The stores were not open late at night or early in the morning, so she bought them at a drugstore near her work during the day while she was at work and brought them back home with her.
Different people have different household chores that they are not good at, and I am sure that if you follow up on those areas of weakness anyway, you will get a lot of points.

Lion Corporation provides various household products such as detergent and toothpaste. Master Sugimoto is also active in the “Married Couple Perfect City Promotion Project,” which promotes happy married couples through the lifestyle information media “Lidea,” and has teamed up with local governments.
Clean items to be washed! Sponge sterilization that is often forgotten
In past surveys we have conducted, it has become clear that there is a “housework gap,” a difference in perception of housework between married couples. One such gap is the “husband thinks he is doing the work, but his wife does not recognize it,” and the household chore that is not recognized the most is “cleaning up after meals. This is because husbands, in many cases, have only done as far as washing the dishes, and there is still food waste disposal and drain cleaning that need to be done afterward, according to the analysis.
Now, in terms of ninja chores, there is a recommended technique for doing something that even people who normally wash dishes properly tend to forget to do, and that is to do it quietly while they are sleeping.
That is, sterilization of sponges used for washing dishes. If sponges are left in place for a long time after use, bacteria can multiply to an alarming extent. So, why don’t we secretly sterilize sponges while we are sleeping? The procedure is very simple. After cleaning off the dirt and detergent from the sponge, add a little more detergent (about 8 ml) to the sponge and squish it around. Once the foam is all over the sponge, simply leave it in place without rinsing it with water until you are ready to use it again.
I think it is recommended for ninjas because you just leave the detergent on and it makes very little noise.

It is truly amazing that such a variety of ninja chores exist, from shoe polishing to sponge sanitizing. It may not be long before this method becomes a scroll (laughs).
Knowing Ninja Housework will also give you a chance to learn what moms are actually doing on a regular basis without even knowing it.
Finally, a word of caution. Don’t get carried away just because you did a little bit of work. It will be a waste of time and energy if you show off like you did the best you could, or if you do something that makes your mother think, “Don’t do anything unnecessary.
First and foremost, don’t you think it is most important to know what ninja chores moms are looking for, and to communicate with them to do them? It may not be easy to do it in the midst of a busy schedule, but think of it as a way to make your family smile there.
Now, why don’t you try your hand at ninja housekeeping?