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The “postpartum father “childcare” business” is launched!
Explains the key points of the system revision in an easy-to-understand manner!

 The Child Care and Family Care Leave Law has been revised to allow for more flexible “childcare,” including the creation of a “postpartum father “childcare work” program starting in October 2022. In this issue, Mr. Kenji Kaneko, a financial planner, will give an overview of the system and explain the key points of the legal revision.

(*The Tokyo Metropolitan Government solicited nicknames for childcare leave and decided on “Ikugyo” in an effort to change the mindset of society to think of “childcare leave” not as a period of time off work, but as a period of time to nurture children, who are the treasure of society. In this article, “Postpartum Papa Childcare Leave” is referred to as “Postpartum Papa ‘Ikugyo'”).

Kenji Kaneko, Financial PlannerKenji Kaneko, Financial Planner

Table of Contents

Schedule for Revision of the Child Care and Family Care Leave Law

Schedule Chart of Legal Revisions

What will change from October 2022?

 In the revision of the Child Care and Family Care Leave Law, which will take effect in October 2022,

  • Postpartum father “childcare” (childcare leave at birth) was established,
  • Split childcare leave will be available.


 First, let us review the current system. The Labor Standards Law stipulates that women can take “prenatal leave” six weeks before the expected date of childbirth and “postnatal leave” eight weeks after the day following the day of childbirth. This period of leave before and after childbirth is collectively referred to as “maternity leave. In addition, from the day after the maternity leave ends until the day before the child’s first birthday, childcare leave can be taken.

 Men, on the other hand, do not receive maternity leave because they do not give birth, but are entitled to childcare leave from the day the child is born until the day before the child’s first birthday.
 Under the current system, childcare leave can be taken only once. However, as a special exception, only those who take and complete childcare leave within 8 weeks after the birth of their child are allowed to take childcare leave twice before the child’s first birthday (“Papa leave”; see below). However, “Papa Leave” will be abolished in accordance with the revision of the Child Care and Family Care Leave Law to be enforced from October1, 2022 ).

Current System

The “postpartum father “childcare” business” is launched!

 From October 1, 2022, “Postpartum Papa “Ikugyo” (childcare leave at birth) will be established.
 Postpartum Father’s Childcare Leave” is a system that allows men to take up to four weeks of leave within eight weeks of the birth of their child. The “Postpartum Father’s Childcare Leave” is a system to encourage men to participate in childcare, and is also called “men’s version of maternity leave” because the period during which it is taken is the same as the period during which women are on postnatal leave.

There are two main characteristics of postpartum fatherhood.

Split acquisition is possible.

 In principle, “Postpartum Father’s Leave” can be taken for up to four weeks within eight weeks after the birth of the child, provided that a request is made at least two weeks prior to the leave. In addition, it is possible to take the leave in two installments if the first installment is requested at the same time. Since the number of days for each of the two childcare leave periods can be selected, this system can be flexible to suit the wife’s situation.

Postpartum Papa Maternity Leave
Within 8 weeks after birth (postpartum father “childcare”)
As part of the postpartum father “childcare” program, the leave can be taken in two installments within 8 weeks after the birth. For example, a father can take childcare leave for the birth or discharge from the hospital, and then take childcare leave again after returning to the company.
You can work during your absence.

 Postpartum father “childcare” allows employees to work while on leave as long as a labor-management agreement has been concluded. However, since the period during which postpartum father “childcare leave” can be taken is the period during which the employee should normally be absent from work, there are restrictions on the hours and days during which the employee can work.

Childcare leave can also be taken in installments!

 After October 1, 2022, the postnatal father “childcare leave” is a separate system from the childcare leave system, so even if you take postnatal father “childcare leave,” you can take childcare leave again afterwards.
 In addition, both parents can now take up to two installments of childcare leave until the child turns one year old.

Image of the revised work style and childcare

Image of the revised work style and childcare

Maternity Leave System
After the “Maternity Leave” and “Postpartum Father’s Childcare” periods, the mother and father can take childcare leave twice, with each mother taking childcare leave at different times, and each father taking childcare leave at different times. The new system allows for more flexibility in taking childcare leave.



 From October 2022, “Postpartum Father’s Childcare Leave” will be established, and it will also be possible to take childcare leave in installments. In particular, men will be able to take a total of four installments of both “Postpartum Father’s Childcare Leave” and Childcare Leave within eight weeks of the birth, thus eliminating the situation where it is difficult to take “childcare leave” due to being away from work for an extended period of time. This will eliminate the situation where taking “childcare leave” is made difficult by leaving work for an extended period of time.
 It is hoped that couples will cooperate with each other in childcare and move closer to a society in which both childcare and work can be compatible.


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