Ace employee upbringing is a great opportunity to nurture human resources! A Virtuous Circle within the Company Created by Male Employee Nurturing </br> PwC Consulting, LLC


 令和5年度東京都女性活躍推進大賞・優秀賞を受賞したPwCコンサルティング合同会社は、インクルージョン&ダイバーシティの一貫として男性の育業推進に取り組み2023年度の男性の育業取得率は83%、平均取得週数(土日除く)は7.2週間でした。  実際に長期の育業を経験したコンサルタントの川口健太さんと、川口さんの上司で上席執行役員の堀井俊介さん、I&D担当で執行役員の谷川真理さんに、育業推進のメリットや取組の具体的な内容について伺いました。(※以下敬称略) *Mr. Kawaguchi took a little over three months off using the company’s vacation and paid leave system, which this article refers to as “childcare. I&D Initiatives to Support Flexible Work Styles for Diverse Human Resources Tanikawa: Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) means accepting and making the most of diverse human resources, and the PwC […]

Promoting male childcare and learning the importance of raising children together as a couple.<br>The “corporate version of parent-teacher classes” has many advantages for both the company and its employees!


Manabu Tsukagoshi (Director, NPO Fathering Japan)  Have you ever heard of the “Corporate Parents Class? We asked Manabu Tsukagoshi, director of Fathering Japan, a non-profit organization that has been supporting fathers for more than 15 years and also serves as an instructor for the “Corporate Parents Class,” about the significance of companies holding parent-teacher training […]

~ Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company~.<br>Creating an environment and structure that enables diverse human resources to maximize their motivation and abilities

 Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance, which has a large number of female employees, has positioned the creation of a workplace where diverse human resources can play an active role as an important management strategy issue, and is working to create a variety of internal systems and to raise employee awareness. We interviewed Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance, […]