Ace employee upbringing is a great opportunity to nurture human resources! A Virtuous Circle within the Company Created by Male Employee Nurturing </br> PwC Consulting, LLC


  PwC Consulting G.K., winner of the 2023 Tokyo Metropolitan Women’s Activity Promotion Grand Prix Award for Excellence, has been working to promote childcare leave for men as part of its inclusion and diversity efforts, and in fiscal 2023, 83% of its male employees took childcare leave, with the average number of weeks worked ( […]

Promoting male childcare and learning the importance of raising children together as a couple.<br>The “corporate version of parent-teacher classes” has many advantages for both the company and its employees!


Manabu Tsukagoshi (Director, NPO Fathering Japan)  Have you ever heard of the “Corporate Parents Class? We asked Manabu Tsukagoshi, director of Fathering Japan, a non-profit organization that has been supporting fathers for more than 15 years and also serves as an instructor for the “Corporate Parents Class,” about the significance of companies holding parent-teacher training […]