Let’s spread the word about “Housework with No Name”! Catchphrase decided <br>– I gave a name to “Housework with No Name”!

AI generates your “future story” </br>Tokyo Metropolitan Government developed “Tokyo Life Design Simulator”!

In your 20’s, 30’s…why don’t you simulate your future self? Tokyo Metropolitan Government has developed an online program that allows young people to easily and enjoyably imagine their life design, including work, marriage, and a future with children. By simply entering a nickname and words that are important to you, the AI generates a […]
LINE Stamps as a Conversation Starter </br>Marital Communication with popular creator “Tsumupapa”.

Tsumupappa” is a widely popular creator, especially among people of child-rearing age, who expresses her casual daily life with her family through her heartwarming illustrations on Instagram. We interviewed Tsumupappa about her thoughts behind the “easy-to-use” LINE stamps she created in collaboration with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for use in housework and childcare, as well […]
Collaboration between Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tsumupapa </br> Free distribution of “easy-to-use” LINE stamps for housework and childcare!

We received 3 , 349 submissions for ideas for LINE stamps that are easy to use for housework and childcare. Based on everyone’s opinions, we have created 8 types of stamps that were in high demand. The stamps were created by the popular creator “Tsumupapa! Anyone is welcome to download it for free and […]
He also demonstrates his “rugby style” of caring at home!<br> Interview with Shinnosuke Kakinaga, Japan Representative, on Housework, Childcare, and Strengthening Marital Ties

Shinnosuke Kakinaga is known as a mood maker, enlivening the team with his “yell” before scrums. He is also a member of Tokyo Suntory Sangoliath, where he is nicknamed “Kakki” and loved by many fans. In his private life, he got married in 2016 and became a father of a child in 2018. We asked […]
Postpartum Depression” in Men and the Support Needed Today<br>~Toward the Era of “Father 3.0

With the start of the “Postpartum Papa Leave” system in October 2022, it is expected that men’s participation in childcare will increase. On the other hand, it is not widely known that not only women but also men can suffer from postpartum depression. We interviewed Dr. Shodai Hirano, an obstetrician-gynecologist, industrial physician, and medical writer, […]
A must-see for beginners living alone! Recommendations for “no-hassle” short-cut household chores

As a matter of fact, I myself grew up without doing any housework at all, and when I lived alone and got married, I really had trouble with housework,” says Asako Homma, a housework producer. Her experience of struggling to balance work and housework led her to think about how to do housework in a […]
Special Project] TOKYO “Ikugyo” Conference <br>From “Maternity Leave” to “Childcare Work” Childcare work is an irreplaceable time!

In the final installment of the “TOKYO Ikugyo” Conference ( click here for the first installment, here for the second), we exchanged opinions on the “take-it-only childcare leave” issue and the joys of childcare work! <Participant ■Sachiko Hanyu, Visiting Researcher, Nikkei xwoman, Author and Media Producer Rie Yamaguchi (Post-maternity leave consultant) ■Yoshihisa Aono, President and […]
Special Project] TOKYO “Ikugyo” Conference <br>From “Maternity Leave” to “Childcare Work”: Changing the Mindset of All Generations!

This is the second edition of the “Tokyo Ikugyo” Conference, held as a special Ikugyo project ( click here for the first edition). It has been more than 10 years since the term “ikumen” became widely known, and we discussed the changes that have occurred during that time and the differences in awareness between generations. […]
Special Project] TOKYO “Ikugyo” Conference <br>Part 1: From “Maternity Leave” to “Childcare” Changing Minds for the Future!

In an effort to change the mindset of society to think of “childcare leave” not as a period of time off from work, but as a period of time to nurture children, who are the treasure of society, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government solicited nicknames for childcare leave and decided on “iku-gyou” (育業). With the […]
Educational event to promote men’s participation in housework and childcare <br>Tokyo Metropolitan Government “Gender Equality Night” was held!

On Tuesday, August23, 2022, “Gender Equality Night” was held at the Tokyo Yakult Swallows game (against the Hiroshima Toyo Carp at Jingu Stadium) as a public awareness event to encourage men to participate in housework and childcare. At a special booth set up in front of the main entrance, visitors who solve a […]
~ Social Welfare Corporation Kaze no Mori ~ Male Parent Community “Team Papa<br>Bring smiles to children’s faces! Enrich Dad’s life!

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government presents the Tokyo Women’s Career Advancement Awards to companies and organizations that promote the advancement of women. The 2021 Grand Prize winner in the medical and welfare field went to the Kaze no Mori social welfare corporation. One of the reasons for the award was the “promotion of men’s participation in […]